Cloud Subscriptions as the Key to a Hybrid Workplace

In recent years, a service that no user of modern working tools can do without today – cloud technology – has been confidently making its way through the IT sector.
The cloud hovers over almost everything, whether it's backing up data, sharing files or providing storage and computing capacity. A wave of lockdowns has enhanced the ubiquity of cloud, employees sent to home offices and granted a vital role in flexible collaboration tools. Gartner even estimates that end-users will spend 23% more on public cloud this year than last year, up from $270 billion to $332.3 billion.
Three types of cloud
"Technology in the clouds" attracts its customers mainly because of its almost unlimited availability. Moving services to a virtual environment ensures that they are available 24/7, which is common to all cloud models. Companies typically choose between three types of clouds:
In the case of the public cloud, the service provider takes care of all the infrastructure and software, so users don't have to worry about any maintenance. All they have to do is sign up, choose from a portfolio of cloud tools and start working with them right away.
In contrast, a private cloud is reserved for a single company. The company manages the cloud locally and thus has full control over it. This cloud can be very well adapted to the specific needs of a company – for example, it can move its own software here.
If companies want to combine the benefits of both models, they can take the middle path of hybrid clouds and split their processes between the two main cloud types.
Have you chosen? It's time to pay up
Some public cloud services can be accessed for free. Users create an account and use various applications, but they are usually limited by the size of the provided storage, which they increase by having to reach for their wallet.
However, if a company wants to make the cloud the place where it moves (part of) its computing processes or data or a platform for unified services for employees, it must pay from the beginning. Unlike the previously widespread purchase of so-called perpetual licenses, the vast majority of cloud solutions are paid for in the form of a subscription for a specific period of time. The customer subscribes to the pre-agreed service parameters and the provider delivers them. If a company uses the cloud, for example, as a place to store a database or a space to host a website, it usually pays for specific computing power (RAM, CPU) or the size of the available virtual storage.
If the company decides to "equip" the office with the cloud, i.e. to provide employees with uniform office applications, communication tools, etc., which they can use via the cloud, it usually has ready-made packages available from the provider (e.g. Microsoft 365). In this case, the company will have to deal with monthly fees for each individual user and the amount of the fee depends on the type of package.
Mobile document handling without the hassle
The cloud has swept over almost all office processes, including document processing. For example, companies can upload the MyQ X print solution to Microsoft Azure private cloud, which will reliably and securely handle document processing without taking up space on the local server.
Modern workplaces, however, can completely take document work across the virtual threshold and enjoy the convenience and flexibility of cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) with the smart digital workplace assistant MyQ Roger. This is software hosted in the public cloud, so subscribers do not have to worry about any maintenance or administration, it being entirely the responsibility of the developers from MyQ. IT administrators only need to easily deploy the app to the terminal of multifunction printers, while users can launch the free app (Android and iOS) for smartphones in an even easier way and work with documents from anywhere in no time. With a few clicks, users connect the MyQ Roger app to their cloud storage such as OneDrive and can print from there or scan directly to the cloud with their mobile camera or manage virtual files.
Unbeatable pricing is one of the cards in the MyQ Roger card deck, see them all here.
The ever-present office
Like other SaaS, the MyQ Roger virtual assistant is subscribed to on a monthly basis. The company only pays for each multifunction printer connected to MyQ Roger service and that's all. The number of devices can be flexibly changed to respond to the current needs of the workplace. There is no limit to the number of users who can connect to the service within a tenant (a public cloud space unique to each company). They just download the MyQ Roger mobile app, register and the door to the digital office is open.
In addition, MyQ Roger can natively connect to other cloud services such as OneDrive, Google Drive and Microsoft's Universal Print, which gives employees advanced printing capabilities directly from Microsoft 365 environment at any time. By subscribing to cloud services, companies can enter the era of the hybrid workplace and switch to the digital cloud, which bids farewell to the need to solely work from the office.
Administrative processes are thankfully getting more and more digitized, but the need to store hard copies of documents is here to stay – especially since many people still prefer to work with information printed on paper. To ensure a steady flow of print, scan and copy jobs, companies put their trust in print management solutions.
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