A Quickie with the MyQ Expert | Episode 6: Scan to Cloud

The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ. It’s fair to admit cloud scanning is a buzzword, but MyQ X it goes beyond that. The same powerful scanning workflows Rami showed you in Episode 5 can be used when the document’s destination is your favorite cloud folder. This finally crosses all I's and T’s in mobility! If you’re a fan of emerging cloud solutions for managing documents and team collaboration, you might want to check out MyQ X’s sister product, MyQ Roger

Hi all, I'm Rami your MyQ expert.

Of all the destinations that you can one click away your scans to one of them is...the cloud. And with the OCR feature you won't have to worry about losing them. Now as you know there are lots of cloud services out there so here are some examples all over the screen. This gives you the chance to collaborate with your teammates quicker and easier. You can ask your admin to preset your easy scan button to your favorite destination or have a selection of them to categorize on the printer panel.

With MyQ the sky is the limit.

And you can see for yourself, you can click on any of the other videos.

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