
In partnership with EPSON and Quocirca, MyQ presented the webinar Print management in 2024: How sustainability is shaping buyers' decisions on April, 25th. If you miss it, here is your chance to watch the full event.

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Many users only scan to their email or folder these days, not knowing there are many different scanning options that would make their work easier and more efficient. Of course, company’s admins may object that to set up such specific scanning options takes too much of their agenda, meaning the cost is too high. But with MyQ X Enterprise, even this argument loses solid ground. This MyQ X edition makes setting up new scanning profiles a piece of cake.

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In environments with a high fluctuation of users such as universities, shared offices, or libraries, printing with drivers can considerably complicate things.

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The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ.

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Consejos para el usuario

The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ. Remote hybrid workplaces are on the rise and so is the demand to print outside of one's traditional office. In this episode, the nomadic MyQ Expert Rami travels around the town to get some footage of his smooth remote printing journey with MyQ X. With the MyQ Desktop Client on your PC, printing from remote locations or places with a weaker connection to the server is no longer an issue. MDC can work as a limited substitution for the print server and it can get your docs printed including other advanced functions such as fallback print.

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Consejos para el usuario

The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ. Having a proper accounting is one of the best ways to avoid unpleasant surprises about your print expenses. And who wouldn't like to know where the pennies tossed into those large printers go? To show you how to never lose grip of your printing cost with MyQ X, the print accountant Rami guides you through the neatness of project accounting and cost centers. With project accounting, certain users or groups can allocate their to-be-printed documents to a specific project, which can be divided into up to 5 levels. When users print, they simply select the given project from the print panel menu and the job will be correctly accounted for. This also works with direct print with the MyQ Desktop Client. And then, all the print jobs will be showed on the final report assigned to their corresponding reports.

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MyQ escaped to the future with the long-awaited 10th Showtime!

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No matter the MFP brand, MyQ X is ready to turn your printing devices into powerful machines enhanced with MyQ X safe authentication options and personalized workflows that save you time to focus on what you do best.

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Introducción del Producto

You might have wondered what our award-winning managed print solution is all about and what it can bring to your office. The answer is not so simple, because it has a lot to offer. Take on an audiovisual journey through the main features of MyQ X and see for yourself how well it suits your document needs – from easy deployment up to advanced accounting. Become a document superhero with MyQ X!

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Introducción del Producto

The new MyQ X is out, providing users with extensive UI changes, enhanced print mobility options for today’s mobile workforce, and an array of other enhancements. The admin desktop/web UI went through a thorough redesign and is more convenient to work with. There are also 5 new stunning default themes for the MFP panels. Browse through the new environment with MyQ's CTO Radek and see it for yourself.

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Kudos to MyQ's HR trio for preparing an amazing Easter feast!

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MyQ has taken its user-oriented approach one step further and focused its development power on bringing the MyQ X printing solution to the broadest user base possible.

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People with disabilities form an important part of the labour market, and their needs should be taken into consideration both in the physical and digital world. MyQ decided to do its part, and after thorough adjustments, opened MyQ X’s web UI to as many users as possible thus taking its user-oriented approach one step further. Following the strict Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 (WCAG) and ticking off numerous items from their optimization checklist, MyQ obtained certification that confirms the AA-level of accessibility for MyQ X’s web UI. With features such as optimization for-text-to speech tools, keyboard control, or voice navigation, MyQ brings convenient and efficient prinitng to any user.

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With MyQ, you can decorate your MFP panel with a design that fits your company's theme. Or, if you're not sure about what to put on your Embedded terminal, but want a change, you can download our special set of icons. For example the ones we designed for 2022 Winter Olympic Games. More iceon will come!

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Introducción del Producto

Many users only scan to their email or folder these days, not knowing there are many different scanning options that would make their work easier and more efficient. Of course, company’s admins may object that to set up such specific scanning options takes too much of their agenda, meaning the cost is too high. But with MyQ X Enterprise, even this argument loses solid ground. This MyQ X edition makes setting up new scanning profiles a piece of cake.

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It all began in 1992...

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Introducing the successors of MyQ Smart Job Manager (SJM) and MyQ Smart Print Service (SPS).

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Together with the release of the new MyQ X LTS version 8.2, MyQ has also developed a completely new user computer application – the MyQ X Desktop Client.It substitutes both previous applications while integrating all their features. But MDC offers much more, see them in this video.

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The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ. Just like 2021, Quickies Season 2 with our lovely MyQ Expert has come to its end. But it’s not a goodbye forever, this one is only temporary. Worry not, Rami will be back with more wacky videos that aim to help you discover how much you can do with our intuitive product and how flexible, pleasant and efficient document processing with MyQ can be. However, this video comes with a little twist – we'd like to ask you, dear MyQ users & partners, to shoot us some suggestions of MyQ features your doc-processing heart desires to learn more about. Send us a message and the man, the myth, the legend Rami will stand in front of the camera and transform your idea into a YouTube reality. Looking forward to hearing from you!

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Consejos para el usuario

Exactly one year ago, MyQ launched the Smart Digital Workplace Assistant MyQ Roger.

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Take on a revealing journey into the world of digital security with your guides Michal from MyQ and Michael from Mainstream Technologies.

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No matter where your fandom lies, make your panel shine, personalize! Did you spend your autumn binge-watching #SquidGame on Netflix? Well, you can decorate your MFP panel with it! These are the three stages of an MFP panel excellence: 1. the '90s blue-black-grey mayhem 2. OKish graphics that you can't change, though 3. a unique design limited only by your imagination And number 3 is precisely what MyQ's Theme Editor offers you. Be it your company colors or logo, Star Wars or any other theme... Your sysadmin can decorate the MFP panels in your office with it, so you'll have an even more pleasant time using the MyQ X powered devices. Hope you are ready to enter the personalization game!

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MyQ gets the digital puck, passes it to MyQ Roger and Roger SCORES!

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Dentro de MyQ

Get to know MyQ's take on securing document processing in modern hybrid workplaces.

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Yowzah, this runs like clockwork, I'm giving it 5 stars. More often than not, the product you like so much spent hours and hours in the hands of error executioners, tireless bug hunters, or simply – the QA department. They search every nook and cranny of the product for potential issues and help prevent them so that end users's experience is as smooth as butter. Considering the level of complexity of its products, it probably doesn't come as a surprise MyQ has a QA department as well. But what might surprise you is how sweet and laid-back the QA team is. Get to know them in this video and hear about the work routine of MyQ's quality assurance squad!

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Dentro de MyQ

The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ.

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Many years ago, evil forces rooted in the city of Scanopolis, and have ever since spread into every office in the city. Using forbidden ancient technology, the wicked Professor Faulty Processor held workplaces under a mist of confusion that hindered their development, while feeding on the workers’ despair. His invisible minions made sure to keep work processes from evolving. Every day, they enchanted networks to stay slow and clunky, jumbled the MFPs’ settings so they never worked properly, and when they felt extra naughty, they filled the office air with Chaos Powder, so no one really knew what task to jump in first. And the results of their insidiousness? IT and sysadmins waded through streams of unsolved & unsolvable tickets, back-office workers’ fingers begged to be saved from all the manual typing of paper documents into the internal system, no printed file was left unnoticed by copy room passers-by, and C-levels frowned over deteriorating efficiency... Gloomy times indeed. But that was all before MyQ hero James heard their cry for help in the Virtual Realm and descended from the digital sky to save the city. He proved that a powerful SNAP! is not always a bad thing and lifted the Professor’s curse once and for all with mighty MyQ magic. Blinded by the brightness of high-powered workflows and no despair to thrive on, the Professor and his minions fled the city, never to come back. The Fantastic Four of Documents – Productivity, Automation, Security, and Efficiency – have taken over, and ever since then new workplaces have flourished. Sysadmins control their fleet from one clear dashboard, assistants leave all the manual work to automated advanced scanning, prints are double-locked with pull printing, and managers can smile again thanks to a workflows that actually bring results. This story can be yours as well – It’s time to go to and see how MyQ defends your document processing.

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Introducción del Producto

The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ. Inhale (deeply), exhale (vigorously), repeat twice. Say AAA, say OOO, sing na-na-na-na-na-na-naa. Great, now your vocal cords should be ready for today’s lesson. Voice coach Rami shows you the way to control your print/scan/copy tasks with the power of your voice. It’s possible you’ve already had some vocal interaction with MFPs in the form of shouting, sobbing, or desperate begging. This time, it’ll be different – subtle, elegant and as convenient as it can get. Open the MyQ Roger app, go to “Actions”, add a voice command to the document workflow you’ve set up to your liking, and save it. Then, when you want to launch that particular workflow, say its name to the voice assistant in your Android/iOS device, which will hand it over to Bessie, and she’ll make sure everything goes according to your wishes. That’s how smooth communication with MFPs can get.

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Consejos para el usuario

The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ. “Would you like something with that coffee?” “A piece of cloud printing, please.” This time, Rami the virtual Barista has brewed a special cup for your hybrid office. You might have heard him saying that with MyQ Roger, you can process your documents from any place your device can connect to the Internet. To give you proof, Rami left the office to shoot this Quickie in a café ☕️ As they had a Wi-Fi (I mean, sure they did, what would a coffee break be without Instagram browsing), he opened his cloud drive in MyQ Roger, found the file he remembered he needed, sent it off to print, finished his americano, chuckled at the last meme, and went back to the office. He released the doc at the first printer he met, like there was nothing to it. Spoiler alert: there really isn’t. Well, see for yourself in this Quickie!

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People with disabilities form an important part of the labour market, and their needs should be taken into consideration both in the physical and digital world.

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Información técnica

The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ. You’ve ticked off printing from cloud from your hybrid workplace checklist in the previous episode, but it’s not time to put your phone in your pocket yet – you'll need it to digitize some hardcopy files. In today’s photography lecture, Rami shows you the secrets of mobile document capture! Maybe you still think the only way to transfer your physical documents to the digital realm leads through the two heavy-footed gatekeepers named Scanner and MFP? Not anymore. You can easily send your docs to cloud MyQ-Roger style right from your smart device in a few clicks no matter where you are. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide: Download MyQ Roger for... iOS

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Consejos para el usuario

The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ. The king season of binge-watching – autumn – is here, and so is the new season of Quickies with the MyQ Expert to satisfy our viewers’ needs. Thanks to the MyQ Expert’s guidance in the first Quickie season, you should know your way around the basic features of MyQ X. Now it’s time to take off to the virtual sky with our Smart Digital Workplace Assistant MyQ Roger, and let the public cloud be your main colleague for document processing. Sit tight and get ready for a cloud printing flight. With MyQ Roger it’s all about that phone of yours. Take it out of the pocket or purse, warm up your thumbs and follow the instructions of the MyQ Roger flight attendant Rami, who will show you how simple and intuitive it is to print directly from your personal cloud like Google Drive or OneDrive. You access them directly from the MyQ Roger app, and then you have basically two options: print right away or send them handouts or reports to your print queue from anywhere and release it when you’re face-to-display with an MFP in the office. Hop on the cloud print hype with a single swipe!

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Consejos para el usuario

The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ. MyQ X and MyQ Roger. These two software titans are not going to clash, but fight side by side in the office arena and throw digital punches at anything that stands in the way of your efficient and secured document processing. Not sure which warrior to pick? Rami the arena master will guide you through their strengths, unique moves and fatalities. With MyQ X, you’ll get a sturdy melee tank that can withhold any print task damage, no matter how powerful it is or who casted it. You can level it up to Ultimate status, where you unlock advanced document processing magic and work it on paper documents in need of digitization. While with MyQ Roger, you’ll get an agility-based fighter that can cast cloud-based print or scan spells using your smartphone in any place with internet access, and quickly works around all constraints of remote working. So, sit down, see what these heroes have to offer and choose the best one for your business to FINISH any opponent daring to hinder your fluent document workflows!

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Consejos para el usuario

The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ. Ok, let’s call a spade a spade, with all the lifeless grey and 90’s pixel icons, printer panels are not normally expected to make it to the finals of an IT beauty contest. But if our little Quickies are any indication, it’s that only “normal” never cuts it for MyQ. A chaotic, ugly UI is a big resounding “NOPE”. This time, Rami a.k.a. the panel stylist will walk you through the personalization of your MyQ Embedded Terminal (available in MyQ X Enterprise and Ultimate). Did you know that you can reorganize the MFP panel the same way you tweak your smartphone’s home screen? Heavy on scanning? Sure, pave the display with different scanning functions. Not so fond of processing documents? Make the minimalist in you happy and add just the 2-3 workflows you use the most. If you really want the MFP panels in your office to be the prettiest of them all, ask your IT admins. They can let their creativity run wild in MyQ’s Theme editor. This tool allows them to design the MFP display to match your firm’s design, be it by putting your logo on the login screen, or by painting the icons with your company’s brand colors. Watch how to use the Embedded Terminal in practice:

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Consejos para el usuario

The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ. You have stuffed that print queue like a plate in an all-you-can-eat buffet, and now it’s time to materialize everything at the MFP. Among his many specializations, our MyQ Expert Rami is also a top-class printer gastroenterologist that helps MFPs digest big tasks within seconds and he’s ready to share his knowledge! So, there’s a file pile in your queue, and you need them all in paper form. ASAP, of course. With MyQ it’s a matter of one beep to kick off that printing process. With some models, you only need to read your ID card and the docs will get released automatically. Or you simply log in with a QR code using your mobile app and set the queue free directly from your phone. The cherry on top of this Quickie cake is that both of those options are completely touch-free and safe. Ready to go contactless? Watch how MyQ can help:

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In MyQ, summer barbecue is one of the must-haves in the event calendar.

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Dentro de MyQ

The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ. For many of us, our phone is an extension of our arm, so why not expand its skill set with another function? Rami is here as your sensei to teach you the sacred art of mobile printing. The lesson begins now! As a warm-up, you’ll do finger tapping or face adjusting for biometric login to the MyQ X mobile app. The next move is to safely log in to the MFP via a QR code. Now you have everything you need to focus on your queue technique. Select the print queue you have on your home screen or create one from scratch with all the parameters you need. All directly from your phone. Yosh! However, MyQ X mobile is not the only mobile print teaching MyQ offers. In just a few episodes, Rami-sama will show you how far you can advance with the MyQ Roger app, so follow our Youtube channel!

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Consejos para el usuario

The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ. Rami has already introduced you to seamlessness of printing and scanning with MyQ X, now’s the time to pass the mic to the last member of the document processing trinity: copying. Transferring your project from the scanning glass to the paper tray is rad, no doubt. But when done repeatedly, a robotic feeling might start to sneak in. Don’t worry, MyQ X lets you hang on to your humanity by providing you with its automation capabilities and one-click workflows. Our X MyQ Expert will show you how to turn mundane copying into a work of technological art. And as dessert, you’ll be served a fancy and efficient way to copy ID cards; the feature every back-office department will relish.

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Consejos para el usuario

The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ. It’s fair to admit cloud scanning is a buzzword, but MyQ X it goes beyond that. The same powerful scanning workflows Rami showed you in Episode 5 can be used when the document’s destination is your favorite cloud folder. This finally crosses all I's and T’s in mobility! If you’re a fan of emerging cloud solutions for managing documents and team collaboration, you might want to check out MyQ X’s sister product, MyQ Roger

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When two sophisticated pieces of software meet, digital magic happens. That's the case of MyQ Roger and its native integration with Universal Print from Microsoft. Send your jobs directly to Microsoft Azure from anywhere and have them delivered to an MFP when you're back in the office. No unnecessary middleware or flow of data. Subscribe to both services, and you're ready to print. Click play and let MyQ Roger's head developer Matúš explain to you what this powerful alliance does for your flexible document processing.

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Información técnica

The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ. In this particular episode, Rami takes you through the specifics of MyQ’s scanning workflows. Setting up scanning parameters can be stuff of nightmares, but not with MyQ X. The magic of pre-set OCR and automatic scan destinations are guaranteed to make your document digitizing efforts easy as pie. If your company has MyQ X Ultimate in place, you may have witnessed the power of automation at its best. With this edition, MyQ X can be taught to detect the type of document (invoice, contract, purchase order...) the user has just placed on the scanning glass, convert its content to electronic data and deliver these to, say, a target ECM database. Cool, or not cool? In the words of the expert himself: “Just scan and go!”

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Listen to our Presales Manager Michal Deml as he rounds up the most important news about our sister products MyQ Roger and MyQ X.

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This video shows you exactly how MyQ Roger enables cloud printing, cloud scanning and browsing cloud documents.

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Introducción del Producto

The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ. Looking for a job? If it's a print job, you'll find it in the MyQ X Embedded terminal waiting for your command! You have basically three options how to transfer your file from digital to paper form: go back in time and print from history, choose one of your all-star favorites, or pick the queued job in the Ready tab. Once you're sure which doc to select, you can delete it, put on your favorite list, change its parameters (no worries, you'll see just essential ones), or simply print it right away. A few taps are all you need to give your printing super speed! Sound effects obtained from

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Consejos para el usuario

The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ. Scanning should be fun and simple. You should reserve your reading glasses for a cozy night with Hemingway rather than putting them on to decipher an MFP panel. In this scanning match, the MVP is the MyQ X Easy Scan feature. Just follow Rami's pointing finger to know what to do on the Embedded terminal to seamlessly scan to you e-mail, fax, or folder. File's too big? No problem, send it via MyQ Secure link. Scanning tips for admins included!

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Consejos para el usuario

The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ. You shall not pass! Unless, of course, you can authenticate yourself. Safe printer login is essential for protecting your print data – it's a simple spell, but quite unbreakable. There are several login options to help you enter MyQ X on your device: username & password, PIN-code, ID card or scanning the printer’s QR code with the MyQ app. Rami the MyQ Expert will show all of them in action and reveal how Pull Print comes to the rescue for a safe pick-up of your printed documents. Click play and learn how to log in to your MFP safely!

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Consejos para el usuario

The MyQ Quickie series will help you get up close and personal with the functions of our user-friendly print solution. No heavy IT slang, no hi-tech showing off. Only Rami, our laid-back MyQ Expert, and practical examples of how to process your documents daily with MyQ. In this pilot episode, Rami shall answer the first and foremost question – What is MyQ? “Multivendor managed print solution” might sound complicated, but it ain't! It’s the software that turns your printer fleet into your personal assistants – devices that are ready to take on your print, scan & copy tasks. More videos are coming, so make that notification bell ring! Sound effects obtained from

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Having a possibility to print your files from the pocket gives you a new level of mobility at the office.

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Take a look at all the game changers the new long-term supported MyQ 8.2 has to offer! Web Accessibility, new advanced accounting & reporting, Mobile Client, and much more!

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Ever heard of soaring sky-high while being tied to the ground? Sounds strange, doesn't it? With MyQ Roger, you fly to the cloud without any restrictions.

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A real cloud solution doesn't need to be installed on your local PCs.

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Watch the video and see what a typical day looks like for our programmers and which tools they use to create our award-winning Print Management Software!

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The Eagles have taken wing and so has MyQ's new, true-cloud product: MyQ Roger! Enroll in the Early Eagles program and get your own Smart Digital Workplace Assistant:

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Installing MyQ print services on your MFPs is fast, easy and even remote, if need be. The IT administrator can discover and add the entire printer fleet to the system from his desk. The configuration of MyQ happens through a series of steps suggested by the setup wizard – setting up printing queues, importing user databases and defining print policies are all intuitive. Right from the moment MyQ is installed, you can start monitoring the devices, but also your users' print, copy and scan activity, because all printer fleet management is centralized and displayed in a neat overview on the MyQ admin's dashboard. Learn more about MyQ's Quick Installation:

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Mobile Print from MyQ gives you the power to send print jobs within a MyQ network and securely release the documents after authentication at the device you choose, which is essentially an equivalent to pull printing.

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MyQ Smart Print Services is a module available for free under MyQ Smart Edition. It sets up backup options for the event of a network outage, when the print server gets disconnected. Users can work around this by using failover printing and sending their jobs to a fallback device. The print server receives an update about the job when it comes back online (device spooling). MyQ Solution is an easy-to-use print management solution with flexible personalization for intuitive use, end-to-end data security and efficient scanning & document workflows. With our software, you can control every printer in your office and create detailed printing reports. Discover More about MyQ SMART Edition

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