Welcome to MyQ 7.4 - Smoother Interactions at Every Touchpoint


MyQ is pleased to announce the rollout of MyQ 7.4 – a major update to its flagship print management solution. The new update makes user interaction smoother at every touchpoint along the document workflow path, whether this is scanning documents, logging into the system, managing printing costs, and even stapling printed materials.

MyQ is pleased to announce the rollout of MyQ 7.4 – a major update to its flagship print management solution. The new update makes user interaction smoother at every touchpoint along the document workflow path, whether this is scanning documents, logging into the system, managing printing costs, and even stapling printed materials.

“With this major update, we focused on making the user experience simpler and more efficient, simplifying and removing unneeded steps where possible,” stated Martin Janus, CEO of MyQ. “Given the wide range of Multi-Functional Devices running MyQ, rolling out these features is an ongoing task.”

Here is a short summary of the new MyQ capabilities and features:

No connection, no problem – The new Offline Login allows users to authenticate themselves even without a server connection. This feature enables the MyQ Embedded terminal to synchronize up to 100 users with the MyQ server. Following this step, users can log in without needing to communicate with the server.

Just delegate that task – Have users without the time or interest in setting up their personal queues? The new Admin Management of Personal Queues feature makes it easier for Admins to view and edit the user’s personal queue and also update and set rules. It’s an ideal function for VIP users with limited time.

Keep your money in your pocket – Free Credit Recharge is designed for students on a print budget. It automatically refills users’ free credit allowance at regular intervals such as weekly or quarterly. Even better for cash-pinched students, the free credits are depleted first, with personal credit remaining in the account until the free credit is used.

Get in the flow with your scanning – MyQ has integrated ScannerVision’s workflow into its operations, making it easier for users of this scan workflow solution to have a richer experience when it comes to capturing, processing, and sharing scans. The integration enables MyQ users to access a variety of ScannerVision templates to more easily define how scans are processed and shared. (KYOCERA and HP)

Put your papers together – No more fumbling around with different buttons and switches to bind documents with your device’s add-on stapler or hole puncher. MyQ now allows these actions directly from the Embedded Terminal with no web UI setup required. (KYOCERA)

Save steps with the new codebook – The new codebook streamlines the MyQ web UI, improves usability, and simplifies the workflow with its expanded lists of values that are applied to scan destinations. Included in this new combined functionality of internal and external codebooks are “favorites” and “search.” (KYOCERA and RICOH)

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