New Recognitions for MyQ: Finishing Q2 Strong

For MyQ, the past six months have been filled with hard work on new products, but also with various recognitions – recently, MyQ Roger has made it to the final round of IT Product of the Year and MyQ Solution has been listed among CIO's top 100 Czech ICT companies.
MyQ & 2021 so far
MyQ set out into 2021 with two clear missions: to release MyQ X 8.2 and introduce our customers to our new true-cloud solution, MyQ Roger. Both were accomplished and work continues with follow-up steps – MyQ developers and testers are tuning MyQ X 8.2 and keep optimizing it for various device brands. Thanks to its unique 100% public cloud architecture, MyQ Roger is being filled with new functions, becoming a more feature-rich assistant every month.
Right after leaping over new year's doorstep, MyQ X became a holder of the BLI Platinum Seal, confirming MyQ X Enterprise's unique capabilities to offer its users a flexible, and easily deployable tool for their everyday work with documents. A few weeks later, at the end of January, MyQ spol. s r.o. won the "Firm Oscars" by Český Goodwill, which came not only as a humbling endorsement of its products, but also the company itself as a unique project that makes a difference in people's lives. After an intense spring, marked e.g. with a notable mention in Quocirca's report on Cloud Print Services, where MyQ products were shown as being cloud-ready for modern workplaces, two new accomplishments lie ahead.
IT product of the year
MyQ's brand new product line MyQ Roger was launched during our CEO's showtime on 12/12/2020 and continues to soar on high. This fresh Smart Digital Workplace Assistant became quickly popular among the first customers and has now also received recognition from IT specialists. MyQ Roger got to the final round of 2021 IT Product of the Year competition organized by COMPUTERWORLD. Each year, this Czech magazine that specializes in modern technologies, evaluates registered HW/SW products, and chooses the top one in different categories. Some of the criteria for choosing the winning product include having an innovative approach, seamless user adoption, or an exceptionally friendly price. However, the main factor – one that has helped MyQ Roger get to the podium – is bringing noticeably more to the table than competitive products in the same category.
If MyQ Roger succeeds, it will be placed among many previous MyQ versions that were selected either a finalist or a winner in the Printing Solutions category of IT Product of the Year 8 years in a row between 2008 and 2015.
TOP Czech 100 ICT companies
The printing industry and clients' document processing needs have been evolving fast in the past few years. Even with the complicated worldwide health situation, MyQ managed to stay on course and focused on new functions to face it – be it MyQ Roger's mobile-first approach or the new flexible MyQ X Mobile Client – and kept on growing bigger.
This growth and hard work helped MyQ get among the 100 biggest Czech ICT companies in the 72nd place. The TOP 100 list is published annually by the Czech CIO magazine, which covers miscellaneous business topics. CIO rates the registered companies based on their turnover and then publishes a list of 100 most successful enterprises. MyQ was gratified by its ranking, as the ICT competition in Czechia is quite stiff, and looks to get a couple of notches closer to the main Czech ICT players next year.
So far, MyQ's journey through 2021 has been quite successful and promising, and there are many things to look forward to: MyQ X 8.2 will keep optimizing towards web accessibility and vendor brands, and MyQ Roger will continue with bringing new features, as it did for example with mobile scanning to cloud or the native connector to Universal Print. Keep your phones and MFPs ready, we are only halfway into the year!
MyQ X 8.2 is an essential new product version which answers modern-day challenges of working out-of-office, as well as growing demand for touchless MFP operation and equal opportunity for people with disabilities.
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